This tutorial illustrates you how to create a Axis module with axis2m and package it as a war archive. We will create famous counter module to count our incoming and outgoing messages and log them in to a text file. You can find this sample in standard distribution under sample directory.
Step - 1 Create a project
Create a project using axis2 Quickstart archetype
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=
If you are not familiar with these please refer getting started guide
Step -2 Add necessary classes
Now we need to create required classes for our module, basically we need to develop three classes as follows.
CounterModule class
public class CounterModule implements Module, CounterConstants { private static final String COUNTS_COMMENT = "Counts"; private static final String TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = "yyMMddHHmmss"; private static final String FILE_SUFFIX = ".properties"; public void init(ConfigurationContext configurationContext, AxisModule axisModule) throws AxisFault { //initialize our counters // System.out.println("inside the init : module"+ getInfo()); initCounter(configurationContext, INCOMING_MESSAGE_COUNT_KEY); initCounter(configurationContext, OUTGOING_MESSAGE_COUNT_KEY); } }
public class OutgoingCounterHandler extends AbstractHandler implements CounterConstants { public InvocationResponse invoke(MessageContext messageContext) throws AxisFault { //get the counter property from the configuration context ConfigurationContext configurationContext = messageContext.getConfigurationContext(); Integer count = (Integer) configurationContext.getProperty(OUTGOING_MESSAGE_COUNT_KEY); //increment the counter count = Integer.valueOf(count.intValue() + 1 + ""); //set it back to the configuration configurationContext.setProperty(OUTGOING_MESSAGE_COUNT_KEY, count); //print it out System.out.println("The outgoing message count is now " + count); return InvocationResponse.CONTINUE; }
public class IncomingCounterHandler implements CounterConstants ,Handler{ public String getInfoFromSpring(MessageContext messageContext){ ServletContext servletContext = (ServletContext) messageContext.getProperty(HTTPConstants.MC_HTTP_SERVLETCONTEXT); WebApplicationContext wctx = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(servletContext); SpringService service=(SpringService)wctx.getBean("springService"); return service.getMsg(); }
Step -3 create module descriptor
Counts the incoming and outgoing messages bar
Step -4 deploy your module
You can deploy your module with embedded jetty or HTTP server using one of following commands
mvn jetty:run
mvn axis2:run
Once you run one of the above commands you can see in the console log that your module is loaded.
Step -5 test your module
So far we don?t know how this module actually work or not, so we need to engage it with a service in order to test it, we can use simpleServe class that available with axis2M quickstart , You don?t need to do any code level change to engage the module, just add the following line into service.xml .
Now use REST client or any other client to invoke your web service, in console you can see that our counter module in action.
Step 6 ? deploy your module
If you want to deploy our module and the service with web content you can use WAR packaging. Use default package command
mvn pacake
Step 7 ? create MAR archive
MAR is axis archive format for modules, assume you want to distribute your counter module with your friends, so that they can use it with their services, the recommended way is to package modules as MAR, so how to do that ..?
Axis2 provide a Maven MAR plug-in, Axis2M quickstart project is preconfigured to use MAR plug-in, so just use following command
mvn mar:mar